The primary function of a circuit breaker is to protect the wire from overheating (referred to as an overload) and fault currents (referred to as short circuits). Circuit breakers replaced fuses because they can be reset. The CHF is a new and improved version of Eatons premium family of type CH breakers. The CHF series of breakers will have a flag that visually confirms tripped status and exclusive trip to off/1-step reset, which further establishes the CH series of products as best in class.
- Brand Name: Eaton
- Amps: 30 amps
- Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
- Number of Poles: Single Pole
- Product Type: Circuit Breaker
- Product Series: Type CH
- CSA Listed: Yes
- Volts: 120/240 V
- Depth: 3.5 in.
- UL Listed: Yes
- Packaging Type: Bulk
- Mounting Type: Plug-In
- Width: .75 in.
- Height: 3.25 in.
- Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor