The Gardner Bender Wiring Simplified 44th Edition is a comprehensive book that translates the National Electric Code rules into easy-to-understand explanations that help the both the pro and novice safely install wiring in homes. Organized into 4 parts getting started, The Basics Wires, circuits and grounding Installing service equipment and wiring, Special wiring situations and projects with clear explanations on how to complete any task. This updated book provides excellent guidance and wont leave you stranded in the dark.
- Brand Name: Gardner Bender
- Subject: Electrical
- Product Type: Guide
- Language: English
- Based on National Electric Code
- Covers installation of service equipment and wiring
- Covers the basics of codes and safety practices
- Covers troubleshooting and repairs
- Covers wires, branch circuits and grounding
- Easy to understand
- New and improved illustrations